Is there life in Golf ? I have seen MGA Online operating for a number of years now. But how many of these golfers knew about it. I can tell you , not many of them. They even do not realise that MGA Online can even notify changes in their handicapp on a monthly basis. Anyway , when they play golf they don't bother about internet . Should they ? or why not ? Come to think of it why even MGA bother to provide the services.
How many golf clubs in Malaysia has their own website ? How many of them know thats there is so many ways they can promote their clubs through the internet. But how many of them realise there is this thing called website , blogspot , modblog and so many other free or easy ways to promote to other golfer. I have heard claims , where on earth is this country called Malaysia ? Is there such thing as golf in Malaysia ? Does ayone realise what DAnny Chia has achieved for qualifying for The Open recently. Not many huh...
So what is the prospect and the future of this game in this region ? For me , I am currently venturing into a deep space where I dont even realise where it will bring me. But a couple of weeks ago , another felllow blogger invited me to join a sports blog based in other continent. Maybe I should turn this thing into a fulltime basis carreer or maybe not . BUt I am hopoing I could promote the country called Malaysia and its golfing facilities to the world. Also to make notes to the world , there are some good golf courses other than Mission Hills , ST Andrews , etc etc etc.
So , I was hoping other golfers to note this. Come and join me . Write to me at . We can share ideas , we can share comments , we can share pictures or etc etc etc.
If you can't improve your golf , why not together we bring greater names to the country.
Golf Addix
As much as I'd like to believe golfing being a fair sport, it isn't really. Unless you have the same built and coaching as those in the US. Built meaning you're like Tiger Woods and coaching as in David Leadbetter or some other reknown person.
Not to mention that for the mens category, if your tee off doesn't cut it then you better be damn sure your short game is a 100% every time. :)
u r totally right danny. thanks for stopping by. do visit us again in the near future
Aiya soly lah, i dunno how to play golf. if not, i sure give my dua sen one. i know how to play hole in one only. HAahaha, sorry ah, joking only.
thanks ah pek...
haha.. thanx for your comment.
maybe I should blog about golf balls..
a gift for you:
a blog reader
- life feel (cool stuffs)
thanks to you. dont blog abt golf balls. come and join me. much better. i need golfers and non golfers to join me here. the more the merrier.
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